
Dear Citizen,

Thank you for showing interest in joining PILAP and taking forward its public interest work. To assist you in becoming a member, I have outlined the various membership categories offered:

Associate Member:

Any citizen may apply to become an Associate Member and such membership will be granted at the discretion of PILAP’s Executive Committee. Members will be required to pay an annual fee of Rs. 20,000 or any other amount established by the Executive Committee from time to time. Associate Members have the option to make either one-time or recurring additional payments to help PILAP’s cause.

Student Member:

Any student enrolled at an institution of higher education may apply for Student membership and such membership will be granted at the discretion of the Executive Committee. While there is no membership fee associated with Student membership, such members have the option to make a one-time or recurring payment to help PILAP’s cause.

Member of the Citizens’ Assembly:

PILAP’s Citizens’ Assembly is the driving force behind the organisation’s public interest work. The Assembly will be involved in significant decision-making in terms of voting on the issues of public interest that are to be pursued by PILAP each year.

The Executive Committee will select members based upon their commitment to public interest and the first Citizens’ Assembly will be chosen upon the recommendation and invitation of the Executive Committee. Thereafter, the Citizens’ Assembly will itself recommend and invite members to be approved by the Executive Committee. Members will be required to pay an annual fee of Rs. 100,000 or any other amount established by the Executive Committee from time to time. While Rs. 100,000 is the minimum fee, members have the option to pay any other higher amount. The Executive Committee will also recognise individuals who have contributed to the organisation in kind and in such a case it may waive the minimum cash contribution to be paid by members of the Citizens’ Assembly.

Members of the Citizens’ Assembly shall have the following entitlements: to vote at the Citizen Assembly’s bi-annual meetings on matters of public interest to be pursued by the organisation each year; to take part in PILAP’s Annual General Meetings and General Meetings.

Membership Form